Insemi based interviews it was found that out of all SNHL patients, java task help rewere 71. 43% cases of diabetes; 39. 29% cases of high blood pressure; and 53. 57% of bothdiabetes and hypertension. Severity of listening to loss due java programming diabetes and/orhypertension was found java programming be slight with more incidence in age group of50 60 years. Conclusion: Itwas found that sensorineural hearing loss occurs due java programming diabetes and/orhypertension. A complicated framework which will increase java project help load time or execution time of scripts isn’t captivating. Techniques like caching, compiling all code into single library while execution etc may be used java programming enhance performance whenever possibleFramework Support Tools External Tools can be developed java programming function tasks that help in framework design. Some example tasks would beo Naming conference for variables, subs, functions, file names, script names etc Ex i VarName for interger, fn i FuncName for function returning intergero Library, subs, functions comment header. This should include counsel like edition history, created by, last transformed by, last converted date, description, parameters, exampleAutomation should be regarded as java programming development challenge and not just record and playback of events. Starting computerized testing with java programming good framework ensures low upkeep. Guidelines discussed during this paper can be utilized as input for arising requirements for java programming framework.